Trezor Suite

Protect your digital wealth with Trezor Suite: the trusted choice for safeguarding your cryptocurrencies. Learn how it can benefit you!


Can Trezor Suite be used with multiple hardware wallets simultaneously?

As of my last update in January 2022, Trezor Suite does not support simultaneous usage with multiple hardware wallets. However, you can switch between different Trezor hardware wallets within the Trezor Suite interface by disconnecting one device and connecting another. Each time you switch to a different Trezor device, you will need to authenticate and unlock it using the respective PIN.

While you cannot use multiple hardware wallets simultaneously within a single instance of Trezor Suite, you can use multiple instances of Trezor Suite on different computers or devices to manage different hardware wallets concurrently.

Keep in mind that the ability to use multiple hardware wallets simultaneously may be a feature that Trezor implements in future updates to their software. Always check for the latest updates and features on the official Trezor website or through the Trezor Suite application itself.

Last updated